







Download basil.js

The basil.js bundle:

Download the bundle above and follow
the steps in our installation guide at our tutorials section.

Cheatsheets and References

The basil.js cheatsheet:

The basil.js InDesign Object Model:

The basil.js b.typo cheatsheet:

Source code

Please note that basil.js is provided as open-source under the MIT License.

Designers and developers who are interested in the “bleeding edge”
are welcome to use our Git repository at https://github.com/basiljs/basil.js

Deprecated basil.js versions can still be downloaded from Github:

Please contact ludwig.zeller -a-t- fhnw.ch for pull and feature requests.

Change log

+ new
* changed
– removed

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basil.js 1.0.10 – 29 April 2016

+ Added package.json definition
* Changed versioning scheme to npm style

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basil.js 1.09 –

+ Added installer scripts for OS X and Windows
* Added some better error reporting for null objects
* Minor bug fixes

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basil.js 1.08 – 11 November 2013

+ Added b.arc() by Ken Frederick, cheers mate!
+ Added b.weekday(), b.timestamp() and b.millisecond()
* Fixed output to progress panel
* Added auto save to MODEHIDDEN
* Added 15s timeout to loadStrings via TCP/IP
* Improved error reporting
* Bugfix to b.addToStory()
* Changed default folder for b.download() to data/

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basil.js 1.07-experimental – 22 October 2013

* Fixed buggy b.noise()
* Urgent bug fix to b.color() and others

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basil.js 1.06-experimental – 21 October 2013

* Internal refactorings (split basil.js into many includes)
* Changed to FAST_ENTIRE_SCRIPT execution mode
Please note that this release is still experimental.

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basil.js 1.05 – 9 October 2013

* Bugfix to b.endShape()
* Bugfix to b.loadString() and b.download(),
now supports more than one GET parameter
* changed default anchor to center for transforms with line()
* internal safety improvements

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basil.js 1.04 – 23 September 2013

+ added b.addShape() in order to create multi-component shapes with b.vertex();
+ added b.nameOnPage(), get a pageitem on the active page by name.
see examples/document/nameOnPage.jsx
+ added b.download(). Downloads an URL to a file, currently Mac only.
see examples/output/download.jsx
+ added b.shellExecute(), currently Mac only.
see examples/input/shellExecute.jsx
+ added b.group() and b.ungroup()
+ added b.isURL() validator checker function
+ added string helpers b.endsWith() and b.startsWith()
+ added b.projectPath() to get the folder of the active document
+ added b.saveString() to save a singe string to a file
* Extended loadString() and loadStrings() to handle URLs. Happy GET URL!
see examples/input/loadStringURL.jsx
* all export functions can handle now sub-folders
e.g. exportPNG(“swiss/basel/snap.png”)

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basil.js 1.03 – 3 July 2013

* added missing support for layer and stroke settings to b.image()
+ added b.savePNG()

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basil.js 1.02 – 3 June 2013

* fixed a bug with b.constrain()
* added constraints for b.color() and b.fill(), where illegal channel
values would previously produce strange results

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basil.js 1.01 – 23 May 2013

+ added b.transform() and b.matrix()
+ added b.remove() for the removal of objects
+ added b.duplicate() for duplicating page items and pages
+ added b.label() and b.selection() as single item alternatives
+ added demos to examples folder
* changed default image fit behaviour to FitOptions.FILL_PROPORTIONALLY
* corrected credits for the processing.js team
* Several JSDOC updates and updated reference on website

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basil.js 1.00 – 28 Feb 2013

First public release!
+ new functions to work conveniently with stories (indesign model of linked content or many textframes), e.g. b.addToStory(), b.storyCount() …
see: examples/document/story.jsx

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basil.js 0.22 – 25 Feb 2013

HIDDEN is very handy for working with large files, as the document is
processed completely in background, performance is a lot better.
* Changes for b.go().
You can switch between the computation modes via b.go( b.MODESILENT ),
b.go( b.MODEHIDDEN ) and b.go( b.MODEVISIBLE ). If b.go() is called
without a paramter, then the default mode MODESILENT is used.
Special thanks to be:screen GmbH for the new computation modes and
performance optimization!
+ new functions for creating shapes. you can create arbitrary lines,
bezier curves, polygones with beginShape(), endShape() and vertex()

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basil.js 0.21 – 21 Dec 2012

basil.js goes semi public with a private beta release

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basil.js pre 0.21 – May to Dec 2012

basil.js is developed over the Summer by Ted Davis, Benedikt Groß,
Stefan Landsbek and Ludwig Zeller.
Special thanks to Stefan Landsbek for the inital code architecture!