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Drawing and colors
How to add new shapes to the page and create and use color swatches. By Ludwig Zeller
General information
- basil.js does not have a screen or canvas
- You cannot draw pixels
- Instead you add InDesign objects to your pages
- These can be used normally within InDesign afterwards
- And you can undo them!
1. Filling the paper with a rect() by reading its size
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents"; #include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js"; function draw() { b.println( "width " + b.width ); b.println( "height " + b.height ); b.rect(0,0,b.width,b.height); }; b.go();
- As there is no background() command in basil.js you should use rect() in order to change the background colour.
How to account for margins or bleed settings
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents"; #include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js"; function draw() { b.noFill(); b.stroke(0,255,0); b.canvasMode(b.MARGIN); b.rect(0,0,b.width,b.height); b.canvasMode(b.PAGE); b.rect(0,0,b.width,b.height); b.canvasMode(b.BLEED); b.rect(0,0,b.width,b.height); // the following examples only work for documents with facing pages b.canvasMode(b.FACING_MARGINS); b.rect(0,0,b.width,b.height); b.canvasMode(b.FACING_PAGES); b.rect(0,0,b.width,b.height); b.canvasMode(b.FACING_BLEEDS); b.rect(0,0,b.width,b.height); } b.go();
- Using different canvas modes will position the origin of the coordinate system (think 0,0) to the appropriate spots in the canvas.
- Additionally b.width and b.height will be updated to reflect the new size of the canvas.
- You can still use other spots of the canvas with extreme coordinates as the canvas modes are not limiting you down to them.
- Changing canvasMode() will reset any previous MatrixTransformations such as translate(), rotate() or scale()
2. Generate several swatches with color() and paint with rect()
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents"; #include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js"; function draw() { b.colorMode(b.RGB); // this is the default anyways // create new RGB color var red = b.color(255,2,3); // variables can store data to be reused later var green = b.color(0,255,0,"green"); b.fill( red ); b.rect(0,0,b.width,50); b.fill( green ); b.rect(0,50,b.width,50); // create new CMYK color var magenta = b.color(1,100,3,4); var yellow = b.color(0,0,100,0,"yellow"); var grey = b.color(100); var lightGrey = b.color(5,"light grey"); b.fill( magenta ); b.rect(0,200,b.width,50); b.fill( yellow ); b.rect(0,250,b.width,50); b.fill( grey ); b.rect(0,300,b.width,50); b.fill( lightGrey ); b.rect(0,350,b.width,50); // get a color from document var black = b.color("Black"); b.fill( black ); b.rect(0,500,b.width,50); } b.go();
- color() can accept between one and five parameters.
- basil.js uses the number of given colour channels to decide whether to create a RGB or CMYK colour.
- If the arguments do not clearly define the desired type of colour then the current basil.js colour mode is used.
- The default basil.js colour mode is RGB
- Please note that CMYK takes channel numbers between 0-100 where higher is darker (subtractive color), while RGB takes numbers between 0-255 where lower is darker (additive colour).
3. Using random() to pick a color and fill the background
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents"; #include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js"; function draw() { // create new random RGB color var newRandomColor = b.color( b.random(255), b.random(255), b.random(255) ); // fill rect with it b.fill( newRandomColor ); b.rect(0,0,b.width,b.height); } b.go();
4. Using line() to create a cross
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents"; #include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js"; function draw() { b.stroke( 100 ); b.strokeWeight( 5 ); // draw a cross b.line(0,0,b.width,b.height); b.line(0,b.height,b.width,0); } b.go();
5. Using random() and ellipse() to fill the page with circles
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents"; #include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js"; function draw() { var count = 23; b.doc(); b.println( b.width+" x "+b.height); for (var i = 0; i < 23; i++) { var x = b.random(0, b.width); var y = b.random(0, b.height); var size = b.random(10, 123); b.ellipse(x, y, size, size); } } b.go();
- This creates confetti
6. Using a for-loop and map() to create a gradient
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents"; #include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js"; function draw() { var counter = 50; b.noStroke(); var rectHeight = b.height/counter; for (var i = 0; i < counter; i++) { var y = b.map(i, 0,counter-1, 0,b.height-rectHeight); var fillTint = b.map(i, 0,counter-1, 100,0); b.fillTint( fillTint ); b.rect(0,y, b.width,rectHeight); } } b.go();
8. Using random() and nested for loops to create a matrix of lines
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents"; #include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js"; function draw() { var tileCount = 10; var randomX = b.random(0,b.width); var randomY = b.random(0,b.height); b.strokeWeight(1); for (var gridY = 0; gridY <= tileCount; gridY++) { for (var gridX = 0; gridX <= tileCount; gridX++) { var posX = b.width/tileCount*gridX; var posY = b.height/tileCount*gridY; b.line(posX,posY,randomX,randomY); } } }; b.go();